About Us

Idee D 'Arte was born in Positano in the early 90s when the owner Gabriele, together with his wife Maria, decided to go against the tide and leave the then very flourishing market of linen clothing and the famous Positano fashion and devote themselves to their greatest passion, Art.
They initially transformed their clothing store in the heart of the town into an art gallery making it available to numerous local artists or to the numerous artists that Positano has adopted and inspired over the years, and year after year they have worked with numerous artists creating a vast selection of art for their gallery.
Lovers, travellers and dreamers have over time transformed themselves into artists of their own gallery, creating, in collaboration with a few but selected artists, works that reflect their passion, each painting designed to be a unique piece, bronze works inspired by the many journeys experienced together.
After many years, the family grew and they merged their ideas with their children Alessio and Michela. The collections of hand-crafted silver jewels were born, always remaining tied to the idea of uniqueness learnt from their parents. They create numerous lines of jewellery using stones and corals belonging to the earth or selected minerals and shells.
Working together with time and dedication, two other shops in Positano were created with the same love and passion which were handed down by their parents and with the continuous inspiration that our territory and our beautiful Positano gives them. Just open the balcony doors to look at the sea and let yourself be caressed by the sun.
They initially transformed their clothing store in the heart of the town into an art gallery making it available to numerous local artists or to the numerous artists that Positano has adopted and inspired over the years, and year after year they have worked with numerous artists creating a vast selection of art for their gallery.
Lovers, travellers and dreamers have over time transformed themselves into artists of their own gallery, creating, in collaboration with a few but selected artists, works that reflect their passion, each painting designed to be a unique piece, bronze works inspired by the many journeys experienced together.
After many years, the family grew and they merged their ideas with their children Alessio and Michela. The collections of hand-crafted silver jewels were born, always remaining tied to the idea of uniqueness learnt from their parents. They create numerous lines of jewellery using stones and corals belonging to the earth or selected minerals and shells.
Working together with time and dedication, two other shops in Positano were created with the same love and passion which were handed down by their parents and with the continuous inspiration that our territory and our beautiful Positano gives them. Just open the balcony doors to look at the sea and let yourself be caressed by the sun.

Idee D' Arte nasce a Positano inizi anni 90 quando il proprietario Gabriele insieme alla moglie Maria decidono di andare contro corrente ed uscire dal allora molto fiorente mercato dell abbigliamento in lino e della famosa moda Positano e dedicarsi alla loro piu grande passione l'Arte.
Trasformano inizialmente il loro negozio di abbigliamento nel cuore del paese in una galleria d'arte messa a disposizione di nuomerosi artisti locali o dei numerosi artisti che Positano ha adottato ed ispirato negli anni , ed anno dopo anno hanno lavorato con numerosi artisti realizzando una vasta selezione d' arte per la loro galleria.
Amanti viaggiatori e sognatori con il tempo si sono trasformati loro stessi in artisti della propria galleria , realizzando in collaborazione con pochi ma selzionati artisti opere che rispecchiano la loro passione , quadri studiati per essere ognuno un pezzo unico , opere in bronzo ispirate ai tanti viaggi vissuti insieme.
Dopo anni la famiglia cresce e fondendo le loro idee con i figli Alessio e Michela sono nate le collezioni di gioielli in argento lavorati a mano , mantenendosi sempre legati all'idea di unicità appresa dai genitori realizzano numerose linee di gioielli usando pietre e coralli appartenenti alla loro terra o minerali e conchiglie selezionati.
Lavorando insieme con il tempo e la dedizione si è dato vita ad altri due negozi a Positano con lo stesso amore e passione tramandato dai loro genitori e con la continua ispirazione che il nostro territorio e la nostra stupenda Positano ci regala. Ti basta aprire il balcone guardare il mare e lasciarsi accarezzare dal sole.